Friday 7 August 2015

So, ferry, 'cross the Daintree...

 You know you are in far Nth Qld when you get signs that roughly translate 'Swim here if you wish to be the main course'. We've actually managed to stay out of the water so far! This is the Daintree River in the background.
 Crossing the Daintree River on the ferry is a bit like using the Moggill ferry - drive on, drive off 27 cars at a time. We struck it at a very busy time and waited in the queue for over an hour.
But... it was actually quite relaxing and picturesque.
Once we were off the ferry we climbed up the Alexandra Range where we had a view of the mouth of the Daintree River and Snapper Island (old English slang term for a pick-pocket and named most likely by all the sailors who travelled through the area).
Our destination was Cow Bay, so named after the sea cows/dugongs - not because some early explorer thought it was a cow of a place.
We are staying with John's cousin Ann and husband Earl in the rainforest. When Earl built the house he had too many windows to pass council regulations but got special dispensation 'cause he threatened to send Ann around to discuss this (not really but it makes a good story). The rainforest comes alive at night with many sounds strange to us city dwellers.
Seen today: Beautiful stretch of beach, Newell Beach, Mossman, coconut palms, tourists, no cassowaries. (ho hum)