Friday 31 July 2015

Mission Beach 2

Our first walking trip was to Bicton Hill at Bingle Bay. A very pleasant walk up the hill to a lookout at the top with views of the islands - Dunk and Bedarra the closest with Hinchinbrook in the distance. No cassowaries in sight! This was followed by the first of many relaxing walks along the beach.
This has been a really relaxing few days where we explored the therapeutic qualities of fishing at dusk and dawn in the surf, beach and rainforest walks (to Tam O'Shanter headland which is part of the Kennedy National Park) and push bike riding. Again, no cassowaries!

Tonight we dinner with friends of Chris's who live at Bingle Bay. She last saw them about 30 years ago after working with them in Blackwater.

Tomorrow we head to the Atherton tableland so there'll be more adventures then.

Seen these past few days: Palm trees, coconuts, green tree ants, no cassowaries, delightful views across to the islands.

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